Course Details

Country: Spain
Course Title: Analysis of social problems II: gender inequalities
Course Number: 14488
Course Description: THEME 1 Women, men and family in society theory 1. Durkheim: division of work and women's `social simplicity' 2. J. Stuart Mill, H. Taylor and the equalitarian approach 3. Marx and class liberation 4. Founders of sociology THEME 2 Feminist theory 1. What is feminism? 2. Liberal feminism. 3. Radical feminism. 4. Socialist feminism. 5. Difference feminism. 6. Third way feminism THEME 3 Violence against women 1. Gender violence: concepts and characteristics 2. Other ways of violence THEME 4 Gender construction and care 1. The idea of gender 2. Care and gender 3. Care form a wider approach 4. Maternity 5. Paternity and new masculinities
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: WMST 200
Course URL:
Attachment Files: CertificadoConvalidacion_8.pdf

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