Course Details

Country: Finland
Institution: University of Helsinki
Course Title: International Trade
Course Number: ECOK-259
Course Description: On successful completion of the course, students should be able to (1) describe the assumptions and structure of standard models of international trade theory, (2) use such models to analyse diverse real issues in international economics. (3) specify the conditions under which trade is beneficial for individual economies and international community as well as identify winners and losers from trade, (4) highlight the implications of trade on firm performance, productivity growth, and income distribution under various circumstances, (5) understand the political economy of trade policy and how institutions and different trade policy instruments affect international trade, (6) recognise the effects of international trade on economic development, international politics and the environment. (7) discuss the causes and the resolutions of international trade disputes, and (8) review the dynamics of world trading system and international coordination.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: ECON 390
Course URL:
Attachment Files: Course Outline 2022.pdf

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