Course Details

Country: Japan
Institution: Waseda University
Course Title: International Strategies and Organization 1
Course Number: 1600004529
Course Description: This course focuses on the various strategies employed by multinational enterprise (MNEs) and the organizational structures and processes necessary to achieve these strategies. The first ten sessions of the course address four important questions for multinational enterprise: 1) WHY should (or shouldn't!) firms internationalize; 2) WHERE should firms expand to; 3) HOW should firms enter markets; 4) WHAT should firms do in these markets? The final sessions of the course will integrate these questions into a broader focus on the strategies and organization of the MNE. International business is a complex and broad topic that literally covers the entire world, and it's impossible to cover all issues, countries and companies in a single course. The goal of this course is hence to give you an introduction to the MNE, by exposing you to various topics. This is an advanced undergraduate-graduate course, which means that there will be substantial reading, and
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: MGMT 441
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