Course Details

Country: Japan
Institution: Waseda University
Course Title: Cost Accounting I
Course Number: 1600004225
Course Description: The purpose of this lecture is to learn the basics of accounting used in the manufacturing industry. In the lecture on "Basic Accounting", which is a compulsory specialized subject, students learn about the accounting process of a company whose main business activity is to sell purchased products without changing their form, and learn about economic activities. used as a stepping stone to understand However, since an economy that does not manufacture goods cannot exist, it is important to learn the accounting used in the manufacturing industry. The reason why this lecture is established as a specialized education subject in the accounting track is to foster "scholarly businessmen" who are familiar with cost accounting procedures. The main business activity of the manufacturing industry is to produce and sell products. Therefore, in order to prepare the balance sheet and profit and loss statement of a company belonging to the manufacturing industry, it
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: INTS 399
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