Course Details

Country: Italy
Course Title: Italian Language Intermediate II
Course Number: ISITII250
Course Description: This level is for those students who already have an active knowledge of elementary language structures (i.e. the expression of past actions and events, discussion of future plans), can communicate simple and routine tasks, discuss familiar and routine topics and describe his/her background, and can understand clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Upon course conclusion, students will be able to use more complex pronouns both in spoken and written Italian and will have a basic grasp of the following topics: Condizionale, Trapassato Prossimo, Pronomi Relativi, Imperativo and a basic grasp of the four tenses of Subjunctive. Prerequisites: Two semesters of Italian language or equivalent.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: ITAL 201
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