Course Details

Country: Ireland
Institution: University of Galway
Course Title: The Earth: From Core to Crust
Course Number: EOS2102
Course Description: This course will investigate the entire earth system, from core to crust, through geological time and from a range of scales. Students will learn about the origins of the earth and the broad-scale tectonic forces that underpin the formation and destruction of continents. The module will investigate the composition of the crust from both mineralogical and resource-potential perspectives, and examine the processes which modify and sculpt the surface of our planet. Students will study the evolution of life and the interaction between the biosphere and earth, including the impact of geology on human civilisation. This will be carried with a specific focus on current geohazards and the future challenges facing our planet. The module will conclude by venturing off-world to explore how a greater appreciation and awareness of our home planet is helping to inform our understanding of the evolution of other moons and planets in our solar system and
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: GEOL 101
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