Course Details

Country: Australia
Course Title: Psychological Perspectives on Cultural Diversity
Course Number: 3033PSY
Course Description: This course applies psychological theory and research to understand culture and cultural diversity. The core aims are to enable students to recognise the importance of culture in guiding thoughts, feelings and behaviours; to develop an understanding of issues of inclusion and exclusion; and to build awareness of each student's own culture as well as encourage competence in working with culturally diverse others. This course is relevant to a range of contexts and disciplines, including psychology, counselling, health, education, business, and humanities, or any subject area which requires effective interpersonal/social relationships. Students will learn what psychology has to say about what happens when societies become more culturally diverse (or begin to recognise existing diversity) and apply principles from Cultural, Cross-Cultural, and Indigenous Psychology to the Australian specific context, as well as to the broader international environment.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: PSYC 379
Course URL:
Attachment Files: Course_Profile_3033PSY.pdf

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