Course Details

Country: Finland
Institution: University of Helsinki
Course Title: Gender and Social Psychology
Course Number: COS-SP308
Course Description: The course provides an introduction to social psychological study of gender. It is focused on providing insight into how the reproduction of gender as a socially generated system of differences and inequalities can be studied from different perspectives in social psychology. The course covers both theoretical approaches and empirical examples of adopting a social psychological perspective in the study of gender, and its aim is to build a basis for using a gender perspective in social psychological inquiries such as the master’s thesis. The course consists of seven face-to-face meetings, readings and group discussions based on them, short lectures, group presentations and an essay based on the topics covered in the course. The readings for each week and discussions on them in the meetings play a significant role in learning, thus the participants should be prepared to dedicate some time each week for a careful engagement with the assigned texts. The literature can be found through the Moodle page approximately one week before the course begins. There will be no assigned readings for the first meeting.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: PSYC 362
Course URL:

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