Course Details

Country: France
Course Title: Global Politics, exploring Contemporary Issues through debate
Course Number: DHUM 27A21
Course Description: Students enrolled in this course, need not have prior knowledge of debating, but should are concerned with political dilemmas which motivate people's behavior, they can be heroes because they defied political authority by questioning its continuing force or like Adolph Eichmann moral villains for his sense of duty, as a middle-level officer of Nazi Germany, to exemplify obedience to a technically legitimate authority. Eichmann was captured by Israeli commandos in violation of Argentinean and international law, he was brought to Israel, tried and executed for crimes against humanity and against the Jewish people. He was tried in a country and by courts that did not exist when he committed his crimes and a law was tailor-made to facilitate his sentencing and execution. The moral question then is who is to judge, and by what criteria, whether the laws and actions of states that claim our allegiance measure up?
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: GOVT 448
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