Course Details

Country: Spain
Course Title: English Grammar II
Course Number: 27825
Course Description: Topic 1. Coordination. Classification of coordination and types of coordinators. Coordinators: uses and semantic implications. Topic 2. The complex sentence I: Subordination vs coordination. Finite, non-finite, and verbless clauses. Indicators of subordination. Topic 3. The complex sentence II: Functional classes of subordinate clauses: Nominal clauses. Relative clauses. Adverbial clauses. Comparative clauses. Topic 4. The grammar of discourse. Information structure of the clause: Theme and Focus. Given and New information. Focus assignment devices. Topic 5. The grammar of discourse. Cohesion and coherence. Reference, substitution and ellipsis. Conjunctions and lexical cohesion.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: INTS 399
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