Course Details

Country: Cyprus
Institution: University of Nicosia
Course Title: engineering Mechanics: Statics
Course Number: MENG-250
Course Description: The main objectives of the course are to:  Provide a thorough understanding of the principles governing the forces applied on objects in equilibrium.  Provide the necessary tools and mathematical background for the analysis of objects in equilibrium.  Develop problem solving skills for a wide variety of practical engineering problems that involve objects at rest.  Introduce techniques and methodologies for the effective analysis of objects and structures at rest.  Introduce the concepts of supports and loads that are acting on a structural system under equilibrium conditions.  Develop the ability to determine internal and external forces and bending moments of structures and machines. Learning Outcomes: After completion of the course students are expected to:  Use free-body diagrams and apply vector analysis to solve equilibrium problems for particles or rigid bodies in two- and three-dimensional space.  Use techniques to determine the forces acted on members
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: CEIE 210
Course URL:
Attachment Files: CEIE 210.pdf

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