Course Details
Waseda University
Course Title:
Data Mining
Course Number:
Course Description:
Data mining is one of the technologies extracting useful information frombig data, which will become key technology in the big data era. Inthis course, the lecture starts with how to clean big data, i.e., data cleaning.
Then, basic statistical analysis methods will betaught, followed by Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) which is different fromOnline Online Transaction Processing (OLTP). As for the basic algorithm ofOLAP, we will learn how to handle Data Cube and some methods to handle it. Finally,we will learn Frequent Pattern Mining Algorithm, the most popular algorithm foranalyzing big data, including Apriori and FP-growth algorithms. Then we willlearn how such methods are used in our society.
Approved Equivalent:
CDS 303
Attachment Files: