Course Details

Country: Finland
Institution: University of Helsinki
Course Title: Introduction to Inequality Studies
Course Number: SOSK-209
Course Description: Upon completion the course the student is familiar with different ways of conceptualizing social inequality and their epistemological premises, is able to explain and compare how different disciplines and research traditions pose questions and provide knowledge concerning inequality, is able to apply at least one of the approaches in her/his own work (course assignment), recognizes the main causes and consequences of global inequality and understands their intersections, has acquired skills for critical scholarly thinking and argumentation, and has developed skills of academic writing. Content The course will offer a snapshot to different scholarly approaches and debates concerning questions related to in/equality in a global world. Inequality is approached multidisciplinarily from the perspectives of various social sciences and neighbouring fields of research, including social psychology, sociology, social policy, social work, political science, political history, population studies, public health, economics, law, urban geography and theology.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: SOCI 355
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