Course Details

Country: Korea, South
Institution: Yonsei University
Course Title: Economic Institution and Policy in Korea
Course Number: ISC6088
Course Description: The course is composed of three parts. The first part explains how the economic institutions work and what or who makes policies under the dynamic political settings of Korea. We will recast major contending perspectives, which will encourage critical and creative thinking on policy issues. In the second part, major political economic institutions and policies will be analyzed: property rights, stock company, fair trade act, taxation policy, election law, commercial code reform, welfare policy, etc. This part, which focuses on policy politics and institutional change, can offer diverse and controversial reinterpretation of the conventional wisdom regarding current policy issues. The concluding part aims to stimulate theoretical and philosophical debates on the pathway for Korea to take beyond the debates of economic institution and policy.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: ECON ---
Course URL:

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