Course Details

Country: Finland
Institution: University of Helsinki
Course Title: How Imperialism Changed the World
Course Number: ENS-H322
Course Description: By attending the course, the students gain an advanced understanding of the birth of the modern world system during the 19th century era of imperial conquest and its repercussions all the way until our own times. The students shall be provided with a view on the effects colonial empires had, and continue to have, especially on Asia and Africa, with also incursions on the Americas and elsewhere. The impact that imperial power had on the metropolitan societies themselves shall also be dealt with. he course covers the birth of the modern world system during the 19th century era of imperial conquest and its repercussions all the way until our own times. The scope of the course is global, but concentrates mainly on the effects colonial empires had, and continue to have, on Asia and Africa, with also incursions on the Americas. Impact on Europe and the United States is covered
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: HNRS 240
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