Course Details

Country: Japan
Institution: Waseda University
Course Title: The Folk Tale and The Fairy-tale 5-6
Course Number: LANJ201L
Course Description: "Old tales" are stories that we encounter for the first time in our lives. There are old stories all over the world, but it is very interesting to see similar stories in distant places, and to see common content in the stories. First, students gain knowledge about old tales through textbooks that are common to the class. After that, they read old stories from the Japan or share long texts and discuss them in groups. Based on the various knowledge gained through these activities, such as the components, types of stories, and characteristics of development, each student writes a Japanese about their own story (retelling). Ask them to tell their stories on the last day of class. This class requires reading comprehension at intermediate or higher. Of the 14 classes, 7 will be held face-to-face in the classroom. The remaining 7 classes will be held online using Zoom in real time. Please see the schedule for details.
Language: Japanese
Approved Equivalent: JAPA 3--
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