Course Details

Country: Italy
Course Title: Crime and Punishment in Literature
Course Number: 235
Course Description: This course explores the themes of crime and punishment in literature, with particular emphasis on the treatment of guilt (and the attendant concepts of legal and moral responsibility) as it is experienced by the individual consciousness of the perpetrator, the accused, the victim, the jailer, and the collective conscience of society. Students in the course will see how literature, through its unique methods and concerns, is able to alert the reader to different understandings of the social, moral, ethical, legal, and philosophical implications of what is only apparently a simple dichotomy between innocence and guilt, right and wrong, or good and evil. Each text or group of texts will be accompanied by an introductory definitional or theoretical reading from thinkers like Foucault, Benjamin, Arendt, and Nietzsche, that will serve as a guiding light in an exploration of the literary texts. This is a reading and writing intensive course.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: ENGH 309
Course URL:
Attachment Files: Course Syllabus - engh 235.pdf

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