Course Details

Country: Japan
Institution: Waseda University
Course Title: Expressing yourself through Japanese short Poems, Tanka, and Haiku 1-3
Course Number: LANJ101L
Course Description: In this class, students learn how to express Japanese through haiku, tanka, and short poems. I also compose haiku, tanka, and poems myself. Students talk with their classmates about their works and learn how to use Japanese's words. Write down what you find and summarize it. In the midst of these activities, let's acquire the ability to communicate so that you can express your feelings in your own words, and you can make an effort to understand the words of the other person. Don't just be afraid to teach Japanese words and hongo words Japanese hongo hyogen, but also learn them yourself and actually use them to enrich your own words. ★ What I want to emphasize in this class is to have fun learning. If it's not fun, your brain won't work. Experience the rhythm of the Japanese and enjoy discovering what is hidden in "words" with your classmates.
Language: Japanese
Approved Equivalent: JAPA 3--
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