Course Details

Country: Spain
Course Title: Machine Theory - 2023
Course Number: 14198 - 2023
Course Description: By the end of this subject, students will be able to have: 1.- a systematic understanding of the key aspects and concepts of mechanism and machine science (MMS). 2.- coherent knowledge of MMS including some at the forefront of the branch in mechanical engineering. 3.- the ability to apply their knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve machine theory problems using established methods. 4.- the ability to choose and apply relevant analytical and modeling methods in MMS. 5.- the ability to apply their knowledge to develop and carry out mechanical designs that fulfil specific requirements. 6.- an understanding of the different methods of analysis of machines and/or their components and the ability to use them. 7.- the ability to combine theory and practice to solve problems of machine science. 8.- the understanding of methods and techniques applicable in the machines and their limitations. 9.- Function effectively both individually and as a team .
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: Pending For Approval
Course URL:
Attachment Files: MachineTheory.pdf

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