Course Details

Country: Belgium
Institution: Ghent University
Course Title: History of the Americas 4
Course Number: A005531
Course Description: This introductory course aims to familiarize students with historical processes in the American continent in the 19th and 20th centuries, with a central focus on socio-economic and political developments in Latin America and the Caribbean. Exchange students may take up this course unit, for which no prior knowledge of Dutch is required. The course starts with an overview of the main developments in the contemporary history of the American continent. This is followed by a series of thematic classes that provide a deeper discussion of a selection of topics related to the history of Latin America and its interactions with intra-continental and global developments. Topics will include but are not limited to social movements; populism and authoritarianism; revolution and reform; armed conflict, peace and transitional justice; development models and extractivism; and indigenous rights.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: HIST 387
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