Course Details

Country: Greece
Course Title: personal development and employability
Course Number: psy170
Course Description: This course will introduce employability and personal development planning, familiarise students with the resources available to assist their career development, and help them to review their own personal profile and produce a good CV. It links with all subject areas. Regarding students who are majoring in psychology, the key aims of the course are to improve awareness of post BSc Psychology career pathways and to improve students’ abilities to reflect on, and present, the skills, attributes and experience gained from a Psychology degree and how this can support them achieve graduate employment. Students will develop their self-awareness and gain an enhanced understanding of what motivates them in the workplace. Students will learn about options available to psychology graduates and approaches to independently researching career possibilities. Students will also build their appreciation of how to navigate the graduate recruitment process, gaining practical experience of how to market themselves in written applications
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: PSYC 399
Course URL:

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