Course Details

Country: Belgium
Institution: Ghent University
Course Title: Art and Archaeology of South Asia
Course Number: A005649
Course Description: This course provides an overview of key themes in the art and archaeology of South Asia by focusing on the social, political and religious aspects of the several arts and architectures of the region, which are analysed through a decolonial lens. Lectures present a variety of topics covering a wide geographical area (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Tibet, Afghanistan) and chronological span (1.5 MYA to present day). Occasionally, lectures are given by eminent scholars and influential museum curators. Class teaching is complemented by a visit of the South Asian galleries at the Royal Museum of Art and History in Brussels. Lectures (2 hours/week): PowerPoint presentations, videos and other media. Groupwork (1 hour/week): Each week, a small group of students gives a 15-minute presentation about an object or work of art, which is followed by a classroom discussion. Excursion: Royal Museum of Art and History, Brussels.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: ARTH 382, ARTH 398
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