Course Details
Sophia University
Course Title:
Popular Culture Studies
Course Number:
Course Description:
This course introduces students to analytic perspectives and visual methods within popular culture studies. Students will learn to consider pop-cultural forms along three primary lines of approach. The first considers the material features and formal visual qualities of pop-cultural forms as discrete objects and/or performances. This first perspective focuses on the material affordances and constraints that shape the physically constitution of the texts, performances and objects that circulate as popular culture. The second approaches popular culture as a it is experienced by the senses. This approach focuses on the ways that we ‘learn’ to see, recognize and understand objects as expressive forms, appreciating the social patterning of our interpretive faculties as constituting distinct ‘genres’ or ‘styles’ of visual expression. Finally, students will be tasked with appreciating pop-cultural forms as they participate in broader socio-cultural process...
Approved Equivalent:
JAPA 360
Attachment Files:
Syllabus inquiry [LOYOLA]_3.pdf