Course Details

Country: Morocco
Institution: Al Akhawayn University
Course Title: Introduction to Painting
Course Number: ART 1303
Course Description: This course will introduce students to the basic language of painting. Class exercises and experiences continually reinforce the formal, conceptual, and the technical aspects of painting. A variety of subjects and approaches are investigated that serve as provocateurs for these issues.Throughout the course, painting is continually addressed as a formal language that has four basic elements: line, shape, surface qualities (actual and simulated), and color (value, saturation, temperature). Students will mostly work from observation. This will include still-life arrangements and interior space. Through study of contemporary and historical painting, we will attempt to understand how artists construct images, handle paint, and elicit emotions. Principles that define both representational and abstract painting will be explored. Studio work will be supported by demonstrations, slide presentations, group, and individual critiques
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: AVT 232
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