Course Details

Country: Korea, South
Course Number: IEE2092
Course Description: This course takes a whirlwind tour of the world through works of short fiction. Each work will provide a distinct and exhilarating experience, but all the works will share their concern with forms of alienation, protest, and redemption. We begin with Franz Kafka's classic tale of grotesque individual alienation, The Metamorphosis, but will quickly turn to Nobel Laureate Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart, which tells the tragic story of cultural crisis in the context of colonial conquest. From there we will move onto chilling gothic short stories by two recent masters of the genre, Mariana Enriquez and Yoko Ogawa. We will end with the Korean novelist Han Kang's lyrical meditation on conflict, defiance and suffering, The Vegetarian.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: ENGH 453
Course URL:
Attachment Files: Masterworks.docx

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