Course Details

Country: Morocco
Institution: Al Akhawayn University
Course Title: Art Appreciation & Creation - 2023
Course Number: 1305 - 2023
Course Description: The Art Appreciation and Practice elective course offers students an in-depth, critical study of visual and material culture from the ancient to the modern period. You will learn how to interpret works of art, read major theoretical texts and explore the relationships between visual culture and society. Analyzing the power and meaning of the of visuals throughout history and the context of their production and mode of circulation is essential to understanding both the past and the present. Visual literacy – achieved through the study of a wide range of artistic practices, such as painting, sculpture, architecture, printmaking, animation and performance art of post-modernism– can also help you approach broader, interdisciplinary questions relating to culture geopolitical environment . Field trip will allow you to reveal your knowledge of the classroom. Practical assignments given every week will introduce you. This class offers an overview of the history of art from prehistoric
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: ARTH 101
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