Course Details

Country: France
Course Title: International Business & Geostrategy
Course Number: KBA-B3-STR-901-E-L-MRS IFC
Course Description: The players: 1. The end of western monopoly of power 2. The American leadership 3. Diversification and multiplication of players 4. The concept of Emergent countries 5. Emergence of the Asian area 6. China, next world’s leader? 7. India strategic future 8. Latin America: looking for its balance 9. Africa, lions on the move 10. Arab region, a plural world 11. Russia’s come back 12. Europe, a bad gambler Rules of the game: 1. The United Nation is challenged by emerging powers 2. The international law is becoming assertive 3. The irony of nuclear non proliferation 4. The absence of a global governance 5. Rivalry between nations remains 6. World’s major conflicts 7. The powerless of military power 8. New Battlefields: hard and soft power Issues and challenges: 1. Energy 2. Draw material 3. Foodstuffs and water 4. Global warming 5. Biodiversity reduction 6. Population increase 7. North-South inequality
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: BUS 200
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