Course Details
University of Galway
Course Title:
Introduction to Communication Skills and Counselling
Course Number:
Course Description:
GMU: Gain professional experience in a clinical setting. This course takes place at the GMU Center for Psychological Services, a mental health training center that serves the community. Enrolled students provide reception room service to clients at the center, learning aspects of the center administration and acquiring relevant skills in the field. This course may count for both Applied Psychology and Professional Development requirements.
Galway: This module introduces students to practical communication techniques so that they can enhance their ability to engage in effective and supportive interpersonal skills. It sets these skills in context through the theory and principles of counselling. The module covers areas including: The theory and approaches associated with counselling and psychotherapy, the nature of supportive communication, and how to engage in effective communication that draws on counselling techniques.
Approved Equivalent:
PSYC 326
Attachment Files: