Course Details
Free University of Amsterdam
Course Title:
Language in Social Media
Course Number:
Course Description:
In online settings, consumers are able to voice their complaints, questions, and remarks to a larger audiences. For instance, consumers post a negative review of their restaurant visit on Tripadvisor or tweet about their positive experience with an electronic device they recently ordered. The process of electronic word of mouth amplifies these messages and can have consequences for companies' brand reputations. To manage the potential negative impact of dissatisfied customer experiences, organizations have appointed organizational representatives to monitor the online interactions (i.e., who is talking with what sentiment(s) about our organization/products/services?). When deemed necessary, these representatives intervene by responding to questions, complaints, and compliments. Such practices have become known as webcare. Recently, webcare has become a topic of interest in scientific research. There have been numerous experimental studies in which the effects of specific webcare interventions are examined. But it is still unclear which determinants play a role in this
Approved Equivalent:
COMM 388
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