Course Details

Country: Korea, South
Institution: Yonsei University
Course Number: MGT3051-01-00
Course Description: “Intermediate Accounting” prepares other statements in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and understands information about the statements that are different from what is disclosed. Be sure to explain in detail the topics for interpretation and use. The content is accounting methods and conceptual. This includes, and also includes the content to be disclosed through this. “Intermediate Accounting (1)” is the first destination for intermediate accounting in two semesters. In "Intermediate Accounting (1)", the concept of inverse accounting is interpreted, basically inverse accounting. After reviewing the table format and accounting consultation process, the assets (inventory, asset assets, investment real estate, intangible assets) and control that are still reported in the statement of status You will learn to be a trained accountant.
Language: Korean
Approved Equivalent: ACCT 331
Course URL:
Attachment Files: ACCT 331.pdf

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