Course Details

Country: Belgium
Institution: Ghent University
Course Title: Ecological Economics
Course Number: F000935
Course Description: Since the 1970s economists, social and natural scientists have been developing integrated methods to explore (wicked) issues at the economy-society-environment intersection. Within these developments, a new paradigm emerged: ecological economics. At the core of ecological economics lies the idea that the economic system is embedded in a larger societal system that, in turn, is embedded in a global ecosystem. In that regard, ecological economics deviates from conventional economics, in which the economic system is often regarded as a stand-alone system. Ecological economics seeks to gain a better understanding of the complex relations between all three systems in order to increase the well-being of humans and nature. This course will familiarize students with the key concepts and ideas within the field of ecological economics based on the three main (policy) goals of efficient allocation, fair...[rest can be viewed in attached syllabus].
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: ECON 335
Course URL:
Attachment Files: studiefiche_F000935GHENTU.pdf

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