Course Details

Country: Japan
Course Title: World History I
Course Number: HIS101
Course Description: It is an introductory course of world history from c. 1400 to the present. By covering a wide geographical area and a long chronology, it will examine the political, economic, and cultural development of various regions of the world and show the interaction between major players in history, also touching upon the greatest cultural achievements of Western and Eastern civilizations. Beginning with the Renaissance in Europe, the course will trace the rise of European super-powers and their long-term impact on the rest of the world, the decline of European power, the rise of the United States, the rise and fall of the Soviet Union and the Socialist system. Special consideration will be given to the problems of colonialism, national liberation movement, military conflicts, arms race and terrorist threat as well as to the on-going globalization and changing balance of power in the multi-polar world.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: HIST 125
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