Course Details

Country: Netherlands
Course Title: Media Entertainment
Course Number: S_ME
Course Description: Course Content This class will provide an overview about the most important theoretical models and empirical findings in the field of media entertainment research and more recent theorizing on media use from an entertainment perspective. After a look into the history of (media) entertainment and the sociological notion of culture, the class will focus on the psychological underpinnings of media entertainment. We will discuss classic topics such as Escapism, Catharsis, Identification, Cultivation, Mood Management, Parasocial Interactions, Fandom, Horror, Humor, Suspense, Eudaimonia, Intrinsic Needs, and Social Media, among others. Furthermore, we will tap into related and more recently studied questions such as: Why do people seek enjoyment from sad and “negative” media? Why do we like “bad” characters? What makes a funny sitcom? Who is fascinated by video games and why? How do females and males differ in their preferences for entertaining media content? Is there entertainment value in the news?\\
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: COMM 396
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