Course Details

Country: Malta
Institution: University of Malta
Course Title: Industrial Psychology
Course Number: PPL1924
Course Description: DESCRIPTION Objectives: The study-unit aims to provide the students with an opportunity to expand their understanding of organisational dynamics, behaviours by engaging in several key topics in organisational psychology. This will be achieved by group discussions, short lectures and student driven presentations. At the end of the study-unit students will be able to: - identify the major theoretical concepts in Organisational Psychology; - integrate theory and research in today’s workplace; - understand how the science of human behaviour is used to select, develop, and manage employees; - learn how organisations can create a supportive work environment. Content: - The principles of the main schools of thought with a focus on Organisational Psychology - The analysis of work in the 20th and 21st Centuries from a psychosocial perspective - The nature and context of organisations as social and complex systems - Handling emotions in the Workplace – Emotional Intelligence - Motivating
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: PSYC 333
Course URL:
Attachment Files: Indust. Psych 1.pdf

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