Course Details

Country: Turkey
Course Title: Measurement and Assessment in Psychology
Course Number: PSY3005
Course Description: The content of the course generally centers around the techniques and frameworks used in diagnosing psychological disorders. The course focuses on the importance of establishing trustworthiness (the consistency of testing) as well as the validity of the techniques used in the field. Students will learn various types of tests, ranging from intelligence testing and neuropsychological exams, to skill and personality tests. Standardization, scaling, professional writing, developing norms, and the development of psychometric norms will also be covered in the course. The importance of informed consent, privacy, equity, and other ethical matters are also included. The class will include practice examinations and case studies where the students will be able to lead and learn about the effect of cultural and language differences on their implementation. The course aims to cover research in the field, as well as clinical, educational, and organizational settings where psychological testing is ethically used.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: PSYC 320
Course URL:
Attachment Files: PSY3005 (1).pdf

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