Course Details

Country: Netherlands
Course Title: Mathematical Economics III
Course Number: E_EOR3_ME3
Course Description: This course consists of two parts. Below we briefly describe the topics that we discuss in those parts. Coalitional games and networks (Rene van den Brink): In a globalized world, (international) cooperation networks become increasingly important. Coalitional games are an extension of networks, and have many applications in economics, business and operations research. After a brief introduction to coalitional games and networks, we discuss applications such as assignment problems (economics), sequencing problems (operations research) and marketing attribution (business). In the applications, we will critically assess how to use the concepts we learned. Empirical networks (Marc Witte): In this section of the course, we will learn how social and economic networks can be integrated into empirical economics research. First, we will (re-)establish some empirical background on networks and cover ways to measure and describe them. Then, we will study econometric methods on how to estimate effects on and changes in networks.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: Pending For Approval
Course URL:
Attachment Files: Studyguide (9)_12.pdf

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