Course Details

Country: Netherlands
Course Title: Mathematical Economics II
Course Number: E_EOR2_ME2
Course Description: The course begins with an empirical background on social and economic networks, and an overview of the concepts used to describe and measure networks. Next, we cover a set of models about how networks form, including random network models, as well as strategic formation models, and some hybrid models. We then move to a discussion of a series of models of how networks impact behavior, including opinion formation, disease, contagion, diffusion, learning, and peer influences. Next, keeping an eye on the current pressing problems in business and society, the course centers around strategic behavior in markets and networks, both from the business perspective as well as from the societal viewpoint.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: Pending For Approval
Course URL:
Attachment Files: Studyguide (7)_9.pdf

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