Course Details

Country: United Kingdom
Institution: University of Surrey
Course Title: High Speed Aerodynamics
Course Number: ENG3215
Course Description: This third-year module in Aerospace Engineering continues to develop the understanding of aerodynamics and aircraft design started in previous modules, by focusing on high-speed flows associated with significant compressibility effects. Nowadays, in fact, considerable research is carried out, and particular attention is given to the development of high-speed vehicles. Aerospace engineering students are then expected to have an understanding of the main analytical, numerical, and experimental methods available for the characterisation and prediction of compressible flows, as well as their societal/environmental implications. Students will learn how to predict lift and drag on supersonic bodies (wings) through main 2D and 3D theories, as well as the possibility to better develop their digital capabilities. Seminar sessions are indeed designed to engage students with digital media and digital numerical tools, as well as to make students reflect and engage on the challenges and implications of high-speed aerodynamics.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: Pending For Approval
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