Course Details

Country: United Kingdom
Institution: University of Surrey
Course Title: Individual Project
Course Number: ENG3163
Course Description: All students undertake this project module at level 6. The module focuses on the application of theoretical knowledge and practical techniques to address a complex engineering issue or problem related to the student’s degree discipline. The issue is explored by means of guided independent study which produces (i) an interim plan and presentation examined orally, (ii) a body of practical work and (iii) a final report. The projects include experimental work, design, analysis, synthesis, computing and information processing in varying proportions consistent with the engineering topic being addressed. Project allocation is based on projects proposed by academic staff (often in liaison with industrial partners) being allocated according to students’ stated preferences regarding both the project type and subject area. Each project has a designated Principal Supervisor.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: Pending For Approval
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