Course Details

Country: Korea, South
Institution: Yonsei University
Course Number: IEE 3373
Course Description: This course provides an introduction to the basic principles of public international law as it applies in our modern world. It will focus on how the governance of our global system is being shaped through international law and policy. We will analyze the interface of international law and governance through the prism of such issues as internal unrest, dispute resolution, climate change, globalization, development, terrorism, use of force, pirates, cyberlaw, torture, human rights, genocide, the United Nations, the World Bank and non-governmental organizations. Students are encouraged to follow global events during the course to enhance their understanding. What are the limitations of international law? How can it improve our world? How does it work and how should it work? Issues will be explored through interactive analysis of actual cases of international law.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: GOVT 444
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