Course Details

Country: Malta
Institution: University of Malta
Course Title: Refugee Law and Society
Course Number: CVL1032
Course Description: This study-unit will provide the basic understanding of: who qualifies for refugee status and other forms of international protection; the refugee-status determination procedure; the legal rights, entitlement and duties of asylum seekers, refugees and other beneficiaries of international protection, as well as the practical obstacles which these migrants face in trying to find a long-term solution. It will have the following objectives: - To create awareness of the causes of forced migration in the world today; - To give an outline of the legal framework within which refugee law operates; - To provide a clear understanding of Maltese legislation for the protection of refugees; - To give at least a basic idea of core laws and conventions which can be used to provide protection to migrants who need it; - To highlight the main rights and obligations of asylum seekers and other beneficiaries and the three main durable solutions
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: INTS 399
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