Course Details

Country: Australia
Course Title: Statistics
Course Number: 1014SCG
Course Description: This course provides an introduction to the basic concepts and practices of data analysis and inferential statistics. It will provide and understanding of several techniques including testing one or more means from sampled populations (t-Tests and ANOVAs), relationships between scale variables (correlations and regressions), and contingency table analysis (Chi-square tests). The course places emphasis on understanding the use of appropriate data for these tests, the use of exploratory data analysis and the underlying distributions and assumptions associated with these tests. Students will learn how to carry out these tests by hand, via the use of statistical software (SAS or SPSS), check assumptions, interpret results and report findings in plain English. Assumed prior knowledge: Grade 12 Maths A or B or equivalent.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: STAT 250
Attachment Files: Course_Profile_1014SCG.pdf

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