Course Details
Al Akhawayn University
Course Title:
International Aid, NGOs and Development
Course Number:
INS 5356
Course Description:
This course examines the roles of international and national aid agencies, Non-Governmental Organizations, and civil society in development. Since the failure of various Modernization projects in the 1970s, emphasis in development has changed. Local involvement in all phases of a project is now considered essential, at least in theory if not always in practice. Meanwhile, the financing of development projects is still largely dependent on International Organizations while development policies are determined by national agencies. This course explores the growth of NGOs and of local associations in the planning and implementation of development. Focus is on the Arab world and Africa, but Latin America, Asia, and the Indian Subcontinent may also be studied. INS 5361 Political Economy of North
Approved Equivalent:
INTS 399
Attachment Files:
INTS 331.docx