Course Details

Country: Netherlands
Course Title: Political Violence and the Human Condition
Course Number: S_PVHC
Course Description: This course aims to provide students with knowledge of the perpetrators and victims of political violence. It will cover the reasons why, and the processes and mechanisms through which, people get involved in political violence, as well as the impact this has on victims and their communities. When finalizing the course, students will have knowledge and understanding of: - The driving forces of violent behavior on an individual and group level; - The psychological and neurological foundations of violent behavior; - The adverse psycho-social and intergenerational consequences of violence for victims and communities; - The prospects and problems of an inter-disciplinary approach to violent behavior that combines psychology and criminology. In addition students will be able to: - Gather and integrate knowledge of multiple disciplines with the purpose of handling complexity of issues related to peace and conflict and designing effective solutions; - Formulate judgements based on a critical evaluation
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: CONF 397
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