Course Details

Country: Malta
Institution: University of Malta
Course Title: Contemporary Migration Issues Across the Mediterranean (History, Policy and International Law)
Course Number:
Course Description: Migration in the Mediterranean continues to make headlines and top the political agenda of the EU and its Member States. Reports of loss of life of migrants at sea and rescue boats refused entry into ports are commonplace and reflect the tragic reality of irregular migration mostly facilitated by unscrupulous smugglers and misguided NGOs. Migration and asylum are policy areas with one of the highest levels of public support for EU level involvement. The EU has become a major destination for migrants due to the interplay between several push and pull factors. Push factors include political and social instability in the EU neighborhood, economic challenges and demographic trends in countries of origin while pull factors include increased economic renewal and opportunities in the EU coupled with a stronger EU framework for those who seek protection.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: INTS 399
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