Course Details

Country: United Kingdom
Course Title: Television in London
Course Number: 4TVPR007X
Course Description: Working in one large and several small groups students devise and produce a factual pro-gramme realised in a multicamera studio. Studio based multicamera television show. Students work in a large group to produce one 25 minute live magazine programme. Through practice in the studio students learn the pro-cedures and protocols necessary for shooting within a large crew, an “as live” TV studio show. Students learn how to schedule, source talent, produce a running order, design and build a simple set and work collectively towards the recording of a live show in a proscribed amount of ‘on-air’ time. There is an emphasis on collective responsibility and problem solving. Students write a per-sonal log plus a reflective and a critical analysis of the production process and their finished programme.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: INTS 399
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