Course Details

Country: Netherlands
Course Title: Globalisation & Society I
Course Number: FSWC-1010
Course Description: ‘Globalization I: Culture & Society’ intends to introduce the phenomenon of globalization, and how it affects modern societies. This course will give you an opportunity to explore how various facets of globalization impact the world we live in today. This course starts with recognizing how globalization affects the world around us. We then continue with looking at how globalization influences social identities. What defines our identity, who are we? We will then turn to the social media, and the ways how they transform the world around us. Then, we continue by looking at migration as an essentially globalizing phenomenon. In addition to immaterial culture, globalization very fundamentally affects also material culture – and we will analyze this process. We close by looking at how globalization influences the men and women in the world.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: SOCI 120
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