Course Details
American College of Thessaloniki
Course Title:
Course Number:
POL 101
Course Description:
Brief description The purpose of this course is to help students understand the world around them through an engaged investigation into the academic discipline commonly called political science. This entails becoming familiar with local, national, regional and international aspects of political discourses and developments in the contemporary world. Aims Politics is one of the richest fields of human inquiry, made all the more essential in that just about everything we do in this life can be interpreted to have a political sense. This course is concerned with contemporary politics on two distinct levels. First, it deals with those activities and issues of importance to anyone who is a member of a modern liberal democratic polity -- rights and responsibilities, voting and political participation, power, authority, and legitimacy, ideology and culture -- in short, political socialization and citizenship. Second, it examines how polities govern themselves and relate with other polities, through
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