Course Details
United Kingdom
University of East Anglia
Course Title:
Course Number:
Course Description:
Inflation, unemployment, economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates and financial markets all feature prominently in the daily news. This module uses a range of economic models to build understanding of these key macroeconomic concepts, and the relationships between them. The module will further your awareness of key macroeconomic concepts and controversies. You’ll be introduced to a range of economic models, accompanied by economic data, growing your understanding and ability to discuss recent macroeconomic events and critique macroeconomic theory. The early part of the module formalises macroeconomic issues including: how much is consumed and how much is saved; how much firms choose to invest; and why we have unemployment. The later part of the module builds these concepts into a macroeconomic model that you will learn to use to analyse the effectiveness of policy in different macroeconomic situations. Key questions throughout are: what can policymakers do and what should policymakers do?
Approved Equivalent:
ECON 311
Course URL:
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