Course Details

Country: Cyprus
Institution: University of Nicosia
Course Title: General Biology II
Course Number: BIOL-102
Course Description: THIS REQUEST IS ON THE BEHALF OF THE GLOBAL EDUCATION OFFICE. Course Overview: This course complements the 1st course in General Biology and aims to teach students the complexity of life at the protein and gene level, and about genetic inheritance. The course also aims to provide students with the opportunity to develop further laboratory skills through practice. The main objectives of the course are to: • Explain the molecular basis of cell cycle growth and division in unicellular and multicellular organisms, and how genetic information is decoded and inherited. • Discuss the principle of Mendelian genetics and employ punit square to demonstrate genotypic and phenotypic inheritance. • Introduce students to Darwin’s theory of natural selection, and to the evolution of the human genome. • Provide students with the opportunity to work with others and introduce them to the use of biotechnology applications in proteomics and genomics.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: BIOL 103 + BIOL 105
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